A la carte
Limited Time
- 上海蟹の紹興酒漬け
- Chinese Mitten Crab Marinated with Shaohsing Wine
- ¥5,500
- 上海蟹とフカヒレのスープ
- Chinese Mitten Crab and Shark Fin Soup
- ¥5,000
- 上海蟹と海老の炒め
- Stir-Fried Chinese Mitten Crab and Prawns
- ¥5,000
- 白子の上海蟹煮込み
- Steawed Soft Roe with Chinese Mitten Crab
- ¥5,000
- 上海蟹のあんかけ炒飯
- Chinese Mitten Crab Fried Rice Topped with a Starchy Sauce
- ¥5,000
- 上海蟹入り和えそば
- Soupless Noodles with Chinese Mitten Crab
- ¥9,000
Shark Fin
- フカヒレ尾びれ姿煮
- Braised Shark Fin (Caudal Fin)
- ¥22,000~
- フカヒレ尾びれステーキ XO醤ソース
- Shark Fin (Caudal Fin) Steak with XO Sauce
- ¥22,000~
- フカヒレ尾びれステーキ 上湯ソース
- Shark Fin (Caudal Fin) Steak with Top-Grade Chinese Soup
- ¥22,000~
- フカヒレ尾びれステーキ 白湯ソース
- Shark Fin (Caudal Fin) Steak with White Broth
- ¥22,000~
- ピータン
- Preserved Egg
- ¥800
- ピータン豆腐
- Tofu with Preserved Egg
- ¥900
- ホワイトアスパラガスの豆腐
- White Asparagus Tofu
- ¥800
- たたき胡瓜と干し海老
- Smashed Cucumbers and Dried Shrimps
- ¥800
- 蒸し鶏 四川風 よだれ鶏
- Szechuan Steamed Chicken
- ¥1,400
- クラゲの冷菜
- Cold Jellyfish
- ¥1,600
- キャビア冷麺
- Cold Noodles with Caviar
- ¥3,500
- 前菜7種の盛り合わせ
- Seven Assorted Appetizers
- ¥2,400
- フカヒレスープ
- Shark Fin Soup
- ¥2,000
- ふわふわ玉子のスープ
- Egg Drop Soup
- ¥1,000
Dim Sum
- 特製シュウマイ
- Siu Mai (Steamed Dumplings)
- 4 pieces ¥1,200
- 海鮮の棒春巻
- Seafood Spring Roll
- ¥850
- 茄子の山椒炒め
- Stir-Fried Eggplants with Japanese Pepper
- ¥1,200
- 完熟トマトと玉子の炒め物
- Stir-Fried Ripe Tomato and Scrambled Egg
- ¥1,200
- 青菜の炒め物
- Stir-Fried Green Vegetables
- ¥1,400
- 麻婆茄子
- Mapo Eggplant
- ¥1,600
- ふんわり蟹玉 XO醤ソース
- Crab Meat Omelet with XO Sauce
- ¥1,800
- 海老の四川炒め
- Stir-Fried Prawns with Szechuan Sauce
- ¥2,600
- 海老のマヨネーズ炒め
- Stir-Fried Prawns with Mayonnaise
- ¥2,600
- 海鮮の白麻婆豆腐
- Seafood White Mapo Tofu
- ¥2,600
- 海鮮のXO醤炒め
- Stir-Fried Seafood with XO Sauce
- ¥2,800
- 【名古屋店限定】アメリケーヌのエビチリ
- [Exclusive] Stir-Fried Prawns with Spicy Sauce Americaine
- ¥2,700
- 油淋鶏
- Deep-Fried Chicken with Sweet and Sour Sauce
- ¥1,600
- 土鍋の麻婆豆腐
- Mapo Tofu in Earthen Pot
- ¥2,000
- 黒酢の酢豚
- Sweet and Sour Pork with Black Vinegar
- ¥2,200
- 黒毛和牛A5サーロインの炒め
- Stir-Fried A5 Grade Japanese Kuroge Wagyu Beef Sirloin
- ¥4,600
- 黒毛和牛A5サーロインのステーキ
- A5 Grade Japanese Kuroge Wagyu Beef Sirloin Steak
- ¥4,600
Noodles and Rice
- 汁あり担々麺
- Dandan Noodles
- ¥1,400
- 汁なし担々麺
- Soupless Dandan Noodles
- ¥1,400
- 黒酢サンラー麺
- Hot and Sour Noodles with Black Vinegar
- ¥1,400
- 冷やし担々麺
- Cold Dandan Noodles
- ¥1,600
- 蒸し鶏と葱のあっさり麺
- Steamed Chicken and Green Onion Noodles
- ¥1,600
- 特製貝柱炒飯
- Fried Rice with Scallop (Adductor Muscle)
- ¥1,600
- エビの黒炒飯
- Black Fried Rice with Prawns
- ¥1,900
- フカヒレの姿煮入りご飯
- Braised Shark Fin and Rice in Earthen Pot
- ¥4,600
- フカヒレの姿煮入り麺
- Braised Shark Fin Noodles in Earthen Pot
- ¥4,600
- 特製杏仁豆腐
- Almond Pudding
- ¥600
- 愛玉のゼリー ライムシャーベット添え
- Aiyu (Jelly fig) with Lime Sherbet
- ¥600
- ココナッツミルクのプリン
- Coconut Milk Pudding
- ¥600
- ジャスミンティーのアイスクリーム
- Jasmine Tea Ice Cream
- ¥600
- 本日のデザート
- Dessert of The Day
- ¥600
- デザート3種盛り合わせ
- Assortment of Three Kinds of Dessert
- ¥1,000
* If you wish to add a message to the dessert plate, a charge of 1,000 yen (tax and service charge not included) will be added to each second plate.
* Tax included * Amount is Japanese Yen (JPY)
* 10% service charge will be added to your bill at dinner time.