A la carte
- ピータン
- Preserved Egg
- ¥1,500
- ピータン豆腐
- Tofu with Preserved Egg
- ¥1,500
- 生ザーサイの浅漬
- Pickled Szechwan Pickles
- ¥1,000
- たたき胡瓜と干し海老
- Smashed Cucumbers and Dried Shrimps
- ¥1,100
- パクチーサラダ
- Coriander Salad
- ¥1,900
- 冷やしワンタン
- Cold Wontons
- ¥1,900
- 蒸し大山鶏 四川風 よだれ鶏
- Szechuan Steamed Chicken (Daisen-dori)
- ¥2,400
- 蒸し茄子の四川風ソース
- Steamed Eggplants with Szechuan Sauce
- ¥2,100
- 自家製チャーシュー
- Roasted Pork
- ¥2,400
- キャビア冷麺
- Cold Noodles with Caviar
- ¥4,000
- 鮑の前菜
- Appetizer of Abalone
- ¥4,800
- 前菜6種の盛り合わせ
- Assortment of Six Kinds of Appetizers
- ¥3,300
Dim Sum
- 海鮮シュウマイ
- Seafood Siu Mai (Steamed Dumplings)
- 4 pieces ¥1,500
- 海鮮の棒春巻
- Seafood Spring Roll
- ¥1,600
- 季節の春巻
- Seasonal Spring Roll
- As quoted
- 蒸しパン
- Hanamaki (Steamed Bun)
- ¥300
- ふわふわ玉子のスープ
- Egg Drop Soup
- ¥1,700
- 本日のスープ
- Soup of The Day
- ¥2,600
- 蟹と貝柱のチリサワースープ
- Chili and Sour Soup with Crab and Scallop (Adductor Muscle)
- ¥2,800
- フカヒレスープ
- Shark Fin Soup
- ¥4,000
- 茄子の山椒炒め
- Stir-fried Eggplants with Japanese Pepper
- ¥2,000
- パクチーと玉子の炒め物
- Stir-fried Coriander and Scrambled Egg
- ¥2,100
- 豆苗の炒め物
- Stir-fried Pea Sprouts
- ¥2,300
- 完熟トマトと玉子の炒め物
- Stir-fried Ripe Tomato and Scrambled Egg
- ¥2,300
- 黄韮と豆腐干絲の炒め物
- Stir-fried Chinese Yellow Chives and Shredded Dried Tofu
- ¥2,300
- 芯取菜と貝柱の煮込み
- Stewed Sin-tori-na (Green Vegetables) and Scallop (Adductor Muscle)
- ¥2,600
Boiled Sin-tori-na (Green Vegetables)
- ・オイスターソース
- ・Boiled Sin-tori-na (Green Vegetables) / Oyster Sauce
- ¥2,600
- ・XO醤
- ・Boiled Sin-tori-na (Green Vegetables) / XO Sauce
- ¥2,600
- ・上湯
- ・Boiled Sin-tori-na (Green Vegetables) / Top-grade Chinese Soup
- ¥2,600
- 海鮮の白麻婆豆腐
- Seafood white Mapo Tofu
- ¥3,100
- 海老の四川炒め
- Stir-fried Prawns with Szechuan Sauce
- ¥3,300
- 海老と黄韮のXO醤炒め
- Stir-fried Prawns and Chinese Yellow Chives with XO Sauce
- ¥3,300
- 海老チリ 成都風
- Stir-fried Prawns with Chengdu Chili Sauce
- ¥3,300
- 吉切鮫尾びれ フカヒレ姿煮
- Braised Shark Fin
- As quoted
Shark Fin Steak
- ・XO醤
- ・Shark Fin Steak / XO Sauce
- As quoted
- ・上湯
- ・Shark Fin Steak / Top-grade Chinese Soup
- As quoted
- 土鍋の麻婆豆腐
- Mapo Tofu in Earthen Pot
- ¥2,800
- 黒酢の酢豚
- Sweet and Sour Pork with Black Vinegar
- ¥3,000
- 本日の和牛の料理
- Japanese Beef Dish of The Day
- ¥4,200
Noodles and Rice
- 担々麺 [汁あり or 汁なし]
- Dandan Noodles / Soupless Dandan Noodles
- ¥2,000
- 冷やし担々麺
- Cold Dandan Noodles
- ¥2,150
- 黒酢サンラー麺
- Hot and Sour Noodles with Black Vinegar
- ¥2,000
- 鶏と芯取菜のそば
- Noodles with Chicken and Sin-tori-na (Green Vegetables)
- ¥2,400
- 高菜そば
- Noodle Soup with Chinese Mustard
- ¥2,600
- ニラそば
- Noodle Soup with Chinese Chive
- ¥2,600
- 香港風海老ワンタン麺
- Hong Kong-style Wonton Noodle in Soup
- ¥2,900
- エビのおこげ
- Crispy Fried Rice with Prawns
- ¥2,900
- 鮑のおこげ
- Crispy Fried Rice with Abalone
- ¥4,300
- 貝柱炒飯
- Fried Rice with Scallop (Adductor Muscle)
- ¥2,000
- エビの黒炒飯
- Black Fried Rice with Prawns
- ¥2,600
- フカヒレの土鍋煮込み麺
- Stewed Shark Fin Noodles in Earthen Pot
- ¥3,800
- フカヒレのあんかけ土鍋ご飯
- Shark Fin in Starchy Sauce and Rice in Earthen Pot
- ¥3,800
- 特製杏仁豆腐
- Almond Pudding
- ¥900
- ラムレーズンのアイスクリーム
- Rum Raisin Ice Cream
- ¥900
- 愛玉ゼリー
- Aiyu (Jelly Fig)
- ¥900
- ライムのシャーベット
- Lime Sorbet
- ¥900
- デザート3種盛り合わせ
- Assortment of Three Kinds of Dessert
- ¥1,500
- (Rum Raisin Ice Cream, Almond Pudding, Gelly Fig)
* Course reservations are recommended for parties of 3 or more.
* If you wish to add a message to the dessert plate, a charge of 1,500 yen (tax and service charge not included) will be added to each second plate.
* Tax included * Amount is Japanese Yen (JPY)
* 10% service charge will be added to your bill at dinner time.